Go Team Bay Cove!

Bay Cove is thrilled that we will once again be fielding a team of amazing athletes in one of the world’s most acclaimed sporting events, as Team Bay Cove 2023 will take to the streets on April 17 to run the Boston Marathon as a way of raising awareness of our programs and services, as well as raising funds to help support the critical work we do.

Through the continuing support of our friends at the John Hancock Marathon Non-Profit Program, Bay Cove has received six bib numbers for this year’s marathon. The members of Team Bay Cove 2023 who will be running the 26.2 miles from Hopkinton to Boston are Kyle Chang, Lauren Easton, Dan Goodman, Elizabeth Mahoney, Andrea Schussler and Kallie Villemaire.

Kallie, Kyle, Dan and Liz are all first-time members of the team, while Lauren and Andrea are veterans returning to once again show their support for Bay Cove.

It’s always extra exciting within the agency when we have a runner on Team Bay Cove that is also a member of the Bay Cove staff, and this year, that dedicated runner is Kallie (pictured right), who works in our Adult Community Clinical Services (ACCS) program, as the Assistant Integrated Team Director of ACCS Team 5. We were glad to have the recent opportunity to catch up with Kallie as she enters both the training and fundraising home stretch.

Is this your first Boston Marathon?
My first Boston Marathon, and my first marathon of any kind!

Why did you want to run the Boston Marathon for Bay Cove?
As someone who works in ACCS, I see Bay Cove’s mission in action daily with the people I support. I enjoy running and thought that fundraising and training for a cause that I care deeply about would be a great overall experience.

What most excites you about running the Boston Marathon?
The thing that excites me most about running Boston is the opportunity to get to run in such a fun environment that has a long legacy. I am also very excited about the training process and pushing myself to new limits.

If you were a superhero, which one would you be, and why?
I would be Dash (from “The Incredibles”) so I could run the marathon extremely fast, and then enjoy watching everyone!

What’s the first thing you’re planning to do once your training is done?
I plan to treat myself to a big meal, and then look into getting a massage and pedicure.

This year, Kallie and the rest of Team Bay Cove have set a goal of raising $70,000 from their Marathon run. We hope you’ll consider spreading the word about our team within your own communities, including sharing the team’s fundraising page: www.givengain.com/cc/teambaycove2023. And visit www.baycovehumanservices.org/marathon over the next month for the latest updates about the Team’s training efforts and special fundraising events, as our runners work their way toward the finish line.

Go, Team Bay Cove, go!!



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