Early Intervention Services

Since 1976, Bay Cove’s Early Intervention (EI) program has served children under three years of age, who are developmentally delayed, or have a known disabling condition, or are at risk of developmental delays due to biological or environmental factors. Our program’s goal is to promote the physical, mental, and emotional development of eligible children.

Children develop at different paces. If, however, your child seems behind in their development, you may seek a referral from a your child’s pediatrician or care providers, or you may self refer. We quickly schedule an in-depth evaluation of your child's physical, language, intellectual, social and emotional development with our multidisciplinary developmental assessment team, which determines eligibility for services.

Early Intervention services is considered a medically necessary service, and is also a federally mandated entitlement for all children who qualify. There is no direct charge to families for Early Intervention services. Services are billed to the family’s health insurance, or to the Department of Public Health for children with no insurance.

Seven diverse toddlers and two teachers sit at a child sized table in Bay Cove’s Nursery School. They are all very interested in an elephant toy held by one toddler.

Our Staff

Our EI staff is made up of a team of full- and part-time professionals, including Early Childhood Educators, Social Workers, Psychologists, Nurses, Speech/Language Pathologists, Occupational, and Physical Therapists.


Our Approach

The Bay Cove approach to working with children is very “family-centered,” meaning that parents are actively involved in all phases of both service planning and service delivery for their child. The type and frequency of services provided are determined by the needs of each particular child and family, but usually include some combination of the following: 

  • In-home developmental play stimulation, and speech, occupational, and physical therapies

  • Center based Therapeutic Toddler Playgroups, with tranportation as needed

  • Parent education and support groups

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We all want to live a meaningful life.