Behavioral Health Integration
About the work
Behavioral Health Integration programming is centered on person-centered care that assists individuals with addressing mental health and substance use conditions, health behaviors, life stressors, and stress-related physical symptoms. The underlying principle of behavioral health integration is that behavioral, physical and social health are inextricably intertwined and that by exploring these determinants of health and their relationship to one another, we better understand the root causes of many health disparities individuals are experiencing. The programs in BHI operate from a holistic perspective and use interventions strongly rooted in recovery principles, consistently applying person-centered approaches and working with individuals and families to develop strategies based on their preferences.
Boston Area Services
Cape Cod Area Services
“Our newest mental health services program is a model of the future of Behavioral Healthcare, bringing together a full continuum of care, while simplifying and increasing access to vital services.”
— Diane Santoro, VP Behavioral Health Integration
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