A healthcare worker checks an older man's blood pressure in a homelessness services program.

Housing & Homeless Services

Bay Cove’s Housing and Homeless Services draw upon all our agency’s service areas to provide vital specialized resources for members of Metro Boston’s vulnerable homeless community.

Homelessness Services


Bay Cove’s homelnessness services specializes in supporting people who use substances, and may not yet be ready for recovery. Using a harm reduction approach, Bay Cove aims to save a live today so recovery is possible tomorrow.

  • Woman in the foreground, standing with her back to the camera, wearing a shirt that says "caspar street outreach." A woman in the background is helping load bags onto a white van.

    CASPAR First Step Street Outreach

    Our First Step Street Outreach program brings life-saving supports to unsheltered homeless adults who are impacted by behavioral health challenges, substance use, and medical complications associated with life on the streets.

    Every evening, the Street Team canvassess the streets of Cambridge and Somerville from 2PM to 12PM distributing lifesaving supplies, like meals, clothing, and weather gear. Another 40 hours per week is devoted to medical and case management outreach.

    To contact a member of the First Step team, please call 617-592-6895.

  • Six volunteers standing in the Shelter hallway. Three volunteers are holding folded sweatshirts. They are smiling.

    CASPAR Emergency Services & Shelter

    The CASPAR Emergency Services Center (ESC) is a 24 hour shelter for adults, with no sobriety requirements for admission. The ESC uses a reserved bed system for 52 beds, and a lottery system for 8 emergency beds.

    At the ESC, guests have access to meals, hygiene supplies, showers, clean clothes, medical care, and case management, and housing assistance. Weekdays, the staff includes a therapy dog, Maddie.

    ESC Shelter Location: 240 Albany St., Cambridge. Phone: 617-661-0600.

  • A person in shorts is entering a brick building. Over the glass doors is the number 31 and the words Center House. There are flower planters with flags on either side of the door.

    Boston Night Center

    The Boston Night Center is an overnight drop-in shelter for men and women experiencing homelessness. This shelter is open every night of the week and has a capacity of 60 individuals.

    Unlike traditional shelters, those admitted may leave and come back throughout the night. There are no beds at the Night Center, so couples who use the shelter may stay together throughout the night. Access to the center is on a first come, first served basis until capacity is reached.

    Location: 31 Bowker St.
    Hours: 8:30pm - 6:30am
    Phone: 857-296-0322

  • Head and shoulders shot of a man in a gray t-shirt in front of a gray door with a window.

    Cambridge Warming Center

    The Warming Center is a welcoming and safe drop-in center where unsheltered adults can spend the night during the winter months. The Center is open 11 hours each night, from November to mid-April.

    The Center offers a safe space, meals, showers, and the ability to rest on a yoga mat on the floor.

    Each night, guests may talk with expert staff to get a referral to physical and mental health care, addiction treatment services and housing services.

    Location: 806 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge

    Phone: 857-292-1870

  • The Cardinal Medeiros Center

    The Medeiros Center is a day shelter specifically for adults experiencing homelessness. At the Center, individuals can spend the day participating in recreational and therapeutic activities, facilitated by skilled case managers who can refer participants to housing, medical and mental health care resources, as well as addiction treatment.

    Location: 1960 Washington St. in Roxbury
    Hours: Open 7 days a week, 8am - 3pm. Closed on holidays
    Phone: 617-619-6960

Housing Services

Bay Cove offers a range of housing opportunites, each with supports built in to promote successful tenancy. Bay Cove operates these housing programs using housing first principles, so there are never any sobriety requirements for assistance.

  • Exterior of Walnut House, a large, tan three story Victorian home with a turret.

    Senior Housing

    Bay Cove helps connect seniors and/or disabled adults with subsidized housing for individuals and couples in six locations throughout Boston. For information about the various buildings (including eligibility requirements and application processes) please contact us.

    Contact: Anne Jarvis, LICSW
    Phone: 617-830-5202
    Email: ajarvis@baycove.org

  • Two older men seated at a table in front of some windows. One is in profile with his back to the camera. The other is looking down and shuffling a deck of cards on a game board.

    Transitional Housing

    Bay Cove operates time-limited, subsidized housing for homeless men. The goal is to place residents into safe and affordable permanent housing. We provide case management, housing search, and stabilization services to the individuals in this program.

    Location: 360 Huntington Ave (5th floor), Boston
    Referrals: All program participants must be directly referred to our program from a Boston shelter. Phone: 617-247-8956

  • Exterior of Talbot House, a large, tan four story building with turquoise trim and a turret.

    Permanent Supportive Housing

    Bay Cove operates three Permanent Supportive Housing Programs for formerly homeless individuals in Metro Boston. We do not take referrals for these programs directly, however persons wishing to apply for these programs must go through the referral pool for the funding agency. These agencies are:

    The Massachusetts Department of Mental Health

    The Boston Department of Neighborhood Development Coordinated Access System

    Massachusetts DHCD Coordinated Entry

    HomeStart's Vacancy Clearinghouse



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