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Mental Health Community Services
The programs in Mental Health Community Services (MHCS) provide comprehensive, community-based, person-centered guidance, resources, and support to individuals, most of whom are currently served by the Department of Mental Health (DMH). Although the programs vary in scope, all programs are rooted in recovery principles and strive to center the experience of each person served in the development of their respective goals. We offer an array of residential, day, and recovery programs across the MHCS portfolio.
MHCS has 10 program models, including the Adult Community Clinical Service program (ACCS), the Aggressive Treatment and Relapse Prevention (ATARP) program, the Bay View Inn (BVI), Center Club, DMH Respite, the Peer Support Network (PSN), the Program for Assertive Community Treatment (PACT), the Recovery Education and Learning (REAL) Program, Transitions of Boston (TOB), and the Tenancy Preservation Program (TPP).
Adult Community Clinical Services
Adult Community Clinical Services (ACCS) is a comprehensive, clinically focused service anchored by a multidisciplinary team that provides clinical coverage 24/7 throughout the year. ACCS Integrated Teams incorporate clinical interventions and peer support to facilitate engagement, support functioning, and stabilize symptoms. ACCS provides a range of housing options that serve as treatment settings to assist individuals in developing skills to live successfully in the community.
For information about Bay Cove's ACCS (Mental Health) residential services, please contact Olga Boruchovich at (617) 371-3190 or the Admin On-call at (617) 777-4552.
Respite Programs
Respite programs are short-term treatment programs, intended to provide a period of support and stability to people going through transitions. Services offered at the respite program may include some combination of the following: medication support; peer-to-peer support; care coordination and referrals to psychiatric and addiction services, outpatient treatment, health care, social services, and other treatment providers. We pride ourselves on providing a caring, compassionate service, with the aim of facilitating emotional growth during a time of uncertainty.
Bay View Inn
Bay View Inn is a transitional housing program for men and transmasculine people with severe behavioral health challenges who receive services from DMH. Men are referred to Bay View Inn from the DMH’s Homeless Outreach Team.
The purpose of the shelter is to provide temporary but stable housing while the ACCS team engages guests in a permanent housing searching process.
While in this short term program, guests are supported around their psychiatric and medical needs, and health related social needs.
For more information, reach out to us at 617-878-2450
Metro Boston Department of Mental Health Respite Program
DMH Respite provides six on-site and seven mobile respite beds to DMH clients who require temporary placement.
DMH Respite is co-located with the Community Crisis Stabilization program. As such, DMH Respite provides crisis support for individuals who are affected by psychiatric illness and co-occurring substance use disorders,
Admission to this program is limited to referrals made by DMH.
Peer Services
Peer services is a foundational element of Bay Cove’s Community Mental Health Service delivery. These non clinical services are delivered by staff with the same lived experinces as the people we serve. Peer Specialists provide support and resources to others facing similar challenges, emphasizing shared experiences and mutual empowerment. Peer Specialists are trained to get to know the people we serve from scratch as a way to build connection and mutuality, and inspire hope in their potential to create their own self-determined life path. The purpose of this design of Peer Services is to transform what 'help' and 'support' can truly look like at Bay Cove and beyond!
Peer Support Network Recovery Learning Center
Bay Cove’s Peer Support Network values the strength that comes from facing life’s adversities. All the people who work at PSN have lived experience with receiving a mental health diagnosis, living through trauma, facing addiction, or navigating another similar life altering experience.
PSN creates a space that is welcoming and safe where we offer in-person and virtual groups, and one-to-one peer support.
PSN operates a Peer Support Warmline from Monday through Friday, from 10 am to 4 pm, where anyone from the community can call to talk to someone with lived experience.
Peer Support Network Warmline:
The Recovery Education and Learning Program
The Recovery Education and Learning (REAL) Program is an innovative, entry level career program for people who wish to know more about peer support, and how to pursue a career in the discipline. The REAL Program is purposely designed for people with lived experience with serious mental health challenges.
The four week learning program introduces participants to the concepts of recovery and peer support and is followed by an optional post graduation internship.
There is no cost for participants, and open admission means that no one is turned away.
For more information, reach out to:
Christopher Laureano at claureano@baycove.org / 617-379-5275
Clubhouse Services
Clubhouses are dedicated to the principles of self-help, peer support and empowerment. In a safe and supportive environment, members can work at their own pace towards rewarding employment, education, decent and affordable housing, a social life, overall well-being and full community integration. Members participate as much as they like, for as long as they like, with staff members working alongside them in a partnership model.
Center Club
Center Club is certified by the International Center for Clubhouse Development, with programming rooted in the principles of psychiatric rehabilitation.
Members are encouraged to be active in Center Club and assume a role in the day-to-day operations of the club. Club and staff members work side by side in the club’s three work units.
In this way, members develop new job skills, brush up on previously learned ones, develop good work habits, and increase self-confidence. Units include Membership Services and Education; Food Services, Social Activities and Financial Office; and Employment and Housing. Unit hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30a.m.-4:00p.m.
There are no geographical restrictions or fees. Although most referrals come from DMH or other providers, community members are welcome to enroll in the program.
Location: 31 Bowker St. in Boston
Phone: 617-788-1003 -
Transitions of Boston
Like Center Club, TOB is another clubhouse operated by Bay Cove. TOB is dedicated to the principles of self-help, peer support, and empowerment.
Members are adults, 18 and up, who have a documented psychiatric illness. TOB offers a safe and supportive environment in which members of the program can work towards building meaningful lives, connecting to the larger community, assuming important roles in the clubhouse, and ultimately live as independently as possible.
The services provided by the club are individualized and based on each member's needs, strengths, and choices.
Although most referrals come from DMH or other providers, community members are welcome to enroll in the program.
Location: 1500 Dorchester Ave., Dorchester
Phone: 617-379-5661
Assertive Outreach Services
MHCS Outreach services are designed to meet the person where they are most comfortable - at home, in the community, or whereever they may be.
Program for Assertive Community Treatment
PACT is a comprehensive, integrated team model that provides wraparound services to individuals living with serious and persistent mental illness.
PACT offers person served what they need, when they need it, usually in the setting where they live and in a manner that is most acceptable to them.
In addition to more conventional mental health treatment, assistance is also provided in areas of housing, employment, establishing meaningful relationships, symptom alleviation and accessing other forms of care.
Admission to this program is limited to referrals made by DMH.
Aggressive Treatment and Relapse Prevention
ATARP is an enhanced supported housing service working with people toward securing stable housing, addiction and mental health recovery services, and building a life in the community that is meaningful to them.
Person served receive support from the ATARP Coordinator, who coordinates services and partners with them to design a plan that addresses needs and goals, including a harm reduction and/or relapse prevention plan.
Admission to this program is limited to referrals made by DMH.
Tenancy Preservation Project
Bay Cove’s Tenancy Preservation Project (TPP) assists individuals and families with mental illness, substance use disorders, and/or developmental disabilities who are at risk for eviction due to a relationship between the alleged lease violation and the impairment.
This program prevents homelessness by helping households stay in their current housing or find alternate housing that better meets their needs. Typically, TPP services are offered to Boston residents who come to the attention of the Boston Housing Court due to serious lease violations.
Looking for residential services for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities?
Click here for more information about Bay Cove's Developmental Services.

“For some clients, it’s unlikely that they’ll use existing support systems without Bay Cove’s help. We have one individual who has moved into a new apartment. He was sent to us from the courts, but when he got here we told him, ‘You are an individual.’ We still follow up with him and he calls and gives me updates. If Bay Cove was not able to support him he would be in the legal system right now.”