Message From Our President & CEO
Hello, Bay Cove Community,
As the still-new President & CEO of Bay Cove Human Services, I’m pleased to present to you our 2022 Annual Report!
The publication of this piece coincides with my six-month anniversary with Bay Cove, and each and every day, I continue to learn more and more about our agency. More about the truly amazing breadth of diverse services that we are able to offer. More about the dedicated and talented staff who provide those services. And more about the incredible resilience and perseverance of the individuals we serve. It’s my hope that the stories in this year’s report will similarly give you some insight into what makes Bay Cove such an extraordinary organization.
Joining Bay Cove this summer, I was truly excited by the opportunity to lead such an outstanding organization—one that provides exceptional, community-based mental health services, developmental services, substance use disorder treatment, and supports for individuals experiencing homelessness. There is a greater need than ever for all of these services, and Bay Cove’s individualized approach to serving every person by meeting them where they are, and tailoring services to fit each person, is what has established our reputation as a leader in the industry.
It’s my job to ensure that our programs evolve, and that we never stop challenging ourselves to think differently about what we do and how we do it. It will be essential as the human service landscape changes—as more people need services and as we negotiate increasingly challenging workforce shortages—that we seek greater efficiency and efficacy in what we do, and never be afraid to consider alternative approaches and new ideas.
I believe that the future of human services, especially here in Massachusetts, must be geared toward care integration—breaking down barriers so that those who need a range of services can access them easily and comprehensively. Bay Cove, with the vast continuum of services we offer, is well positioned to be a leader in this effort.
And so much of that is due to you—the dedicated members of our Bay Cove Community—who have supported us so loyally in the work that we do. Whether you’ve been a friend of Bay Cove for days, weeks, months or decades, we are tremendously grateful to you for your commitment to helping us provide critical, life-changing services to those with the greatest need.
I thank you for your support of Bay Cove—past, present and future!
Louis Josephson, Ph.D.
President & CEO