2021 Bay Cove & CASPAR Supporters
Ruth Aaron
Bertina Abeles and Kenneth Davin
Heather Abrams and Brendan White
Lindsay and Sal Accardi
Margaret Ackerman
David and Jill Adler
Sharon Adler
Alex Afeyan
Chris Agostino
Osman Ahsen
Joseph and Amy Ailinger
Joan Ainsley
Thomas and Victoria Aites
Katherine Albrecht
Kathryn Allen
Lyndsey Almon
James Altschuler
Corey Amaral
Zachary Amdur
Allan Ames
Catherine Amory
Eleanor Andrews
Thomas Andrews and Christine Gilman
Max Armour
Omar and Maya Arnaout
Laura Arnesen
Simo Arredouani
Ammar Asfour
Elisheva Ash
Michael Atlas
Steven Atlas and Lestra Litchfield
Toby Atlas
Lee and Kate Auspitz
Michelle and William Austin
Wendy Lee Austin
Anna Avetisyan
Brian Babcock
Ara Bablouzian
Aaron Baillargeon
Edward Ballo
Gail Bambrick
Michael Bannister
Debra Barbitta
Rebecca Barca-Tinus
Commissioner Branville Bard
Kimberly Barnash
Betsy Barr and Thomas Durnan
Kenneth and Marian Barron
Anna Barry
Claire Bartell
Elizabeth Bartle and David Boghossian
Marlene Bartlett
Komal Basra
Julie Battisti
Dawn Baxter and Spence Smith
Anya Bear
Matthew Beatty
Kyle Beaudreault
Sylvia Beaulieu
Thomas Beausejour
Kate Becker
Meghan Bedard
Michelle Beery-Brooks
Thorsten Behrens
Meredith and Jeff Belaief
Grace Belfiore and Tony Grimshaw
Neil and Sharon Belinsky
Javier Bellini
Khaoula Ben Haj Frej
Gregory Benning
Stuart and Maureen Benton
Meredith Benvenuto
Michael Berdan and Janet Corash
Jeffrey Berg
Scott Berk and Kathryn Cannon
Martyn Berliner
Maureen and John Bernis
Alexander Bernstein
Sharon and Garrett Berte
Kristen Berthoud
Dianna Bertowice
Nitasha Bhat
Frank and Janet Bianco
Matt and Brianne Bianco
Kathy Bickimer
Jane Bingel
Suzanna Black
Lisa and Fran Blake
Ruth Blaney
Katrina Blaus
Zoe Bleicher
David P. and Nancy Blessing
Sydney Blevins
Jacob and Nancy Bloom
Jane Bloomfield
Sarah Blume
Andrew Blumenfeld
James Boen
Lindsay and Matthew Boorman
Dirck and Emelie Born
Avery Borreliz
Robert Bortnick
Fay Boudrot
Michaela Bowden
Kaitlin Bowes
Karen Boyce
Betsey Brew Boyd
Elizabeth Boyd
Bryan Boyer
Jerry and Jean Boyle
Susan Boyle
Daniel and Janet Boynton
Kevin Brady
Adam and Monica Brady-Myerov
Ann Braithwaite
Jason Braley
Jasmine Bramble
Elizabeth Bramson-Boudreau
Valerie and Carl Brand
Susan Brandt
Alexandra Bream
Amanda Brennan
Michael Brennan
James Brindle
Anthony Broccoli
Helen Bronk
Sierra Brosque
Rebecca Browder
Adam Brown
Barbara Brown
Chris Brown
George Brown
Jeff and Pam Brown
Kathryn and Charles Brown
Lawrence Brown
Scott Brown
Wesley Brown
Giles and Lorraine Browne
Thomas Browne
Mary Buccheri
Chantal Buchanan
Raymond and Barbara Buczynski
David Bugbee
Richard Buirkle
Katherine Bunten
Aidan Burbridge
Rachel Burckardt and Rosario Delacruz
Donald and Anne Burgess
Concetta Burke
Kevin Burke
Marie Burke
Ann C. Burns and Claire M. Roberts
Sean Burns
Melinda Burri
Greg and Megan Buscone
Vanessa Byles
Virginia Byrne
David and Elizabeth Byrnes
Claire Cabiles
Daniel Cadarette
Hunter Caldwell
Christine and Chris Callahan
James Callanan
Elizabeth and Robert Camacho
Helen and John Cameron-Mahoney
Levin Campbell
Lorna Campbell
Terri Campbell
Aleta and David Cane
Elizabeth Caney
Ailem Rabasa Capote
Karen Capuano
Sarah Carbone
Brian Carey and Erin Graves
Bryan Carey
Patricia Carney and John Chan
Helen Carpenter
Margaret Carpenter
Jesse Carrasco
Jack Carroll
Amber Carter
Michelle Carter
Ethan and Allison Cascio
Kay Case
Jennifer Casey
Stephen Casey
Mary Cassesso and Peter Miller
Lisa Castaldo
Jose Castillo
Michael Cataldo
Stephen Cavagnaro
Donald and Ann Cederholm
Jeffrey Cehelsky
Marilyn Cerniglia
Ajay and Layla Chadha
Alyssa Chaffee
Douglas and Evelyn Chamberlain
Candace Chang
Sonia Chang-Diaz and Bryan Hirsch
Stephen Chapin
Sarah Charland
Bethany Mandell Chayrigues
Benjamin Chen
Gina Chen
David Chiu
Peter Chow
Timothy Chow
Barbara Chrabaszcz
Laura and Stewart Chritton
Anita Chung
John Ciampa
David Cicerone
John Cini
“Tackling the challenges of homelessness and addiction is not for the faint of heart. It takes courage to fight for
what is right, compassion for your fellow man, conviction in your mission, optimism and perseverance in the
face of adversity.”
Jacqueline Cinicola
Alissa Cirio
Estelle Clamon
Alcurtis Clark
Eliana Clark
Scott Clark
Thomas J. Clarke Jr.
Thomas and Lucie Clarke
Anna Clauss
Mary Clem
Patrice and Gerry Clifford
Sharon and Lee Clifford
Charles and Susan Cnudde
Polyxane Cobb
Meagan Coffey
Jonathan Cohen
Michelle-Kim Cohen
Stacy Cohen
Stephen Cohen
Abbey Cohn
Lauren Cole
Allison Collins
Daniel and Joanne Collins
Denyse Collins
John Commisso
Emma Concepcion
Hannah Mecaskey Conley and Joe Conley
Rachel Connick
Kerri Connors
Laura Connors and Brian O'Connell
Stan Connors and Sheri McCann
Alex Conrad
Casey Cook
Ian and Mary Cookson
Mary Jo Cooper
Gloria Cosgrove
Susan Cosgrove
Alexander Costa
Betty Costa
Rosemary Costantini
Lewis Costas
Ashley Costello
Maureen Costello-Shea
Kara Cournoyer
Gretchen and Nick Covino
Lori Cowles
Douglas Coyle
William Crane
Donna and Kelly Creegan
Christine Cronin
Michael Cucurullo
Denise and David Cugini
Rachel Culley
Nadia Cumbal
Kathleen Cumings
Robert Cummings
Camille Cunin
James Curran
Jennifer Curran
Lynne Curran
Conor Curran-Cross
Lauren P. Curry and Robert P. O'Shea
Cara Curtis
Lindsay Custer
Phoebe Cutler and Desmond Smith
Betsy Czarnowski
Sophia D'Angelo
Brian Dacey
Marica Dacey
Patricia Dacey
Yolanda Daelemans-Greaves
Howard Dalton
Anne Daly
Steve and Winnie Dansby
Sreedevi Danturti
Thomas Darling
Dave and Claudia Darmofal
Steven and Isabel Darwin
William and Julie Davenport
Linda Davidson
Stacy Davidson
Wendell Davis
Laura de la Torre Bueno
Esmarline De Leon Peralta
Daryen De Vito
Tiziana C. Dearing and Stephen J.
Representative Marjorie Decker
Bianca Deeb
Shwaathi Deenadayalan
Christopher DeFranco
Andrew DeGouff
Erica Del Aguila
Kathryn Dellerario
Alfred DeMaria and Susan Case
Henry and Claire Dembowski
Anthony Demers
Soraya DeOliveira
Doug DePaolo
Martin Dermady
Linda DeRoma
Leslie DeRosa
Elana DeSantis
Jane Desforges and Michael White
Paula DeSimone
Bruce and Barbara Desmond
Douglas DiCerbo
Priscilla Dickson
James Dietz
Ryan DiGregorio
Frank Dilworth
Joan and Michael DiMicco
Rachel Dines
Yueyun Ding
David Dobrin
Norman Doctor
Daniel and Lisa Doherty
Anne Donaghy
Mary-Jane Donahue
Jane Donnelly and Christopher Stirling
Emily Dorn
Robin Dorogusker
Elisabeth Drake
Catherine Drennan
Harold du Four-Anderson
Lauren and Patrick Dukes
Nancy Dumont
Jeffrey Duncan and Kathleen Gunnery Duncan
Nancy Dunn
Riley and Will Dunn
Christopher Durham and Andrea Juchartz
Lila Durnan
Andrew Dusenbery
David Dwortz
Joseph Dybowski
Patrick Easley
Susan Eckman
Paige Edwards
Cheryl Egan
Dorothy and Brendan Egan
Keryn Egan
Ryan Egan
Peter Eimon
Frederick and Kimiko Ek
Julie Ellard
David Emerson and Amanda Peters
Rachel Emsley
Daniel Epstein and Rozann Kraus
Rachel Erdil
Gary Erickson
Yusuf Erkul
Tim Estes
Anthony Everett
Brandon Wilson Evitt and Steven Evitt
Michelle Facompre
Michael Fallman
Sarah Fanella
Ed Faneuil
Eleanor Farinato
Lila Farino
Andrew Farrell
Terence Farrell and Amy Walsh
Edward and Lillian Fassino
Kate Fazio and George Parks
Janie Feinberg
Elizabeth Feld
Katharine Feldman
Joseph Feloney and Jennifer Ray
Marie Feng
Olivia Ferdinand
Jessica Ferguson
Gabriel Ferreira
Cathy Ferrone
Dorothy Ferullo and Kathleen Calderone
Daniel Feyock
Francine Fialkowski
Joseph J. Fico, Jr.
Karen Field
Bruce Figueroa
Emma Filer
Rick and Jane Filosa
Bob Fine and Susan Unterberger Fine
William Fine
Natascha Finnerty
Judy Fiola and John Ice
Bob Fish
Daniel Fish
Douglas Fish
Johanna Fishbein
Ruth Fishbein
Seth and Brooke Fishbein
Andrew Fisher
Caroline Fisher
James Fisher
Ellen Boyle Fitzgibbons and Dennis Fitzgibbons
Patricia Fitzsimmons
D. Anthony Flanders and Carla
Nancy and James Fleming
Theresa Fleury
Tali Flomenhoft
Joan and Gregory Flynn
Mary Foley and Jeffrey Lucas
MK Foley
Ursula and Thomas Follett
Georgia Foote
Gary Foster
Maureen Foster
Susan Foster
Mike Fowler
Denis Fox
Jeffrey and Kris Fox
Shelley Francois
Edward Frankenberry
Sarah Gallop of MIT discusses the university’s longstanding support of our homeless services in Cambridge.
Patricia Fraser
Margaret Frazier
Mason Freeman
Robert French
Natalie Frissore
Ella Froggatt
Michael Fucigna
Erin Gadbois
“I’ve been honored to run two Boston Marathons (and train for a third) as a
member of Team Bay Cove, and supporting this agency and the life-changing work they do is something I’ll
always be proud of.”
“I started volunteering at CASPAR because I was looking for a way to be of service in the community.
The staff at the shelter are welcoming, warm, amazing
individuals, and they’ve always made me feel I was making a difference in the lives of the homeless in Cambridge and Somerville.”
“CASPAR is a shining example of a mission-aligned foundation partner for Innovive Health. Central to their growth
as an organization has been the commitment to non-judgmental community support for the most vulnerable
population in Massachusetts; our philosophies in the ongoing treatment and support for this population makes
CASPAR the perfect community partner for us to continue to propel our missions together. Given this alignment
and tireless work that CASPAR staff put into their programs each day, we are humbled and honored to continue to
support the Cookin’ with CASPAR program.”
“The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation is proud to support Bay Cove Human Services’ Cape
Cod Behavioral Health Urgent Care (BHUC) program’s effort to support individuals with urgent crises before
they become emergencies. The Cape Cod BHUC program partnered with community organizations and
community members to deliver a service that meets their needs, resulting in a significant drop in emergency
department visits for behavioral health crises and inpatient hospitalizations. A strengthened community and
improved health care utilization are the types of impact that we as a funding partner always hope to see.”
“It has been a real honor to support Bay Cove’s efforts to keep our most vulnerable neighbors safe, healthy, and housed.”
— Sarah MacDonald, Executive Director of Life Science Cares
“We at Alnylam Pharmaceuticals are proud to support CASPAR both financially and through employee
volunteerism. We chose to work with the organization because of how hard they are working to address the
social determinants of health such as homelessness and mental health, and we know these efforts will advance
health equity. We stand with organizations like CASPAR who are rolling up their sleeves and working everyday
to serve the most vulnerable in our community.”
All gifts are greatly appreciated, and we make every effort to list our donors’ names accurately. If we made a mistake in your listing, please let us know by contacting development@baycove.org.